About Apdrops

What do you expect from your IT support company? Knowledge and skills? Reliability and efficiency? Perhaps, if you’re lucky, the occasional smile? Will that do? Well, to be frank, it shouldn’t.

IT service providers


At Apdrops we care about customers and the managed IT service we give them, covering every aspect of consultancy, infrastructure design, sourcing, installation and on-going support. We work 365/24 to make it the best we can, and then some.
That’s easy to say, but how do we show it? Here are a few examples of the Apdrops approach:

  • Our engineers provide every new customer with a detailed service check, fixing any faults and documenting your entire network, free of charge.

  • We establish a secure connection to each client’s system. If something goes down, we’ll probably know about it before you do.

  • We are equally effective being your virtual IT department or working with your own IT team.

  • We are constantly re-investing in the business, improving our service management (we are fully ITIL compliant) and fault reporting systems.


In addition we are key partners to leading software providers like Microsoft. You can buy their packages such as windows from us and we will install free of charge.

Our pricing is sensible for the quality managed service we offer and our approach is completely flexible. Whether you have three or 300 IT users, we are completely consistent in our support which is organised into Gold, Silver and Bronze packages. 97% of our current clients opt for Gold or Silver because each day they see the added value we bring to their business.

That’s not just about what we do, but how we do it. If an ICT Solutions engineer is passing your front door, he won’t keep walking. He’ll pop in to check all is good with you, our valued client. Not because he’s told to, because he wants to.

Which is why we are incredibly proud that, in 3 years’ trading and counting, we have NEVER lost a customer through poor service or cost. You have to retire to stop getting ICT’s TLC!

Apdrops – we make IT a pleasure, not a pain


Ask us a question about Fully Managed IT and the support we can offer your business, or send us your requirements to find out more.